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 MRT Singapore

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3 posters

Number of posts : 47
Age : 41
Location : singapore
Registration date : 2006-09-18

MRT Singapore Empty
PostSubject: MRT Singapore   MRT Singapore EmptyThu Sep 21, 2006 2:12 pm

Is it only me who often took wrong line MRT before?

once, I wanted to go to Buona Vista. As my house is not very near to the MRT station, I took a connecting train from South View LRT to Choa Chu Kang MRT.
It was early in the morning, so I was rather sleepy then... Rolling Eyes
When I reached CCK, I waited for the MRT. I had to go to Jurong East first and change train to Buona Vista. I saw the direction sign on the MRT line I was waiting. It said "Marina Bay". When the train came, I boarded the train. I realized that I was in the wrong train when the announcement said "next stop, Yew Tee" Embarassed I then alighted at Yew Tee and changed MRT to the correct one, to Jurong East.

Questions: why can such errors occur in the first place?

1. Maybe I am too sleepy? But I read the sign "Marina Bay". But why I still took that train?
2. Maybe I am stupid? haha... are you kidding me? you know it's not true! haha
3. Since I don't want to put the blame on me, let's put the blame on the MRT signage design then...

How do you remember the MRT routes? for me, I developed a mental model of Sigapore map and their respective MRT stations and routes.
If they would have added the MRT map on the signage, in addition to wording "Marina Bay", I would realize it more that the train is going to the North! not to the south as I expected. remember, I was so sleepy then, my working memory was not working very well. Would having a visual aid like the map with North direction bolded in addition to just the wording "Marina Bay" be helpful for people like me?

what do you think? MRT Singapore Colorz_p
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Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2006-09-19

MRT Singapore Empty
PostSubject: Re: MRT Singapore   MRT Singapore EmptyFri Sep 22, 2006 12:50 am

Good idea!!! I think SMRT should better utilize the big LCD displays than letting them repeat the same commercial to irritate commuters. Mad
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Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2006-09-19

MRT Singapore Empty
PostSubject: Re: MRT Singapore   MRT Singapore EmptyFri Sep 22, 2006 12:55 pm

yeah... I agree with that...sometimes it's very difficult to see what time will the next train come since I can't see the timing.

The commercial news is also too long and actually we, commuters, don't really bother about that...
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MRT Singapore Empty
PostSubject: Re: MRT Singapore   MRT Singapore Empty

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