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 Training Simulator

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Number of posts : 68
Age : 42
Location : Singapore
Registration date : 2006-09-18

Training Simulator Empty
PostSubject: Training Simulator   Training Simulator EmptyMon Sep 25, 2006 10:59 am

TITLE : Development of a Training Simulator for Night Vision Goggles

AUTHORS : Jajin Wu, Kee Yong Lim & Chai Wah Koh
Centre for Human Factors and Ergonomics
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

Paper presented in the National Seminar on Human Aspects in Computer-based System, September 2005, Bandung, Indonesia


Night Vision Goggles (NVG) are used to enhance military operations. Its usage in aviation operations at night has greatly increased mobility, safety and mission effectiveness. Scenery seen through an NVG may not resemble images seen during daytime, and training is required for operators to acquire the necessary perceptual skills to understand imagery seen through an NVG. Inadequate training may cause operators to miss cues which help them identify possible hazards. Thus, appropriate training of image recognition is imperative. As an NVG is costly and requires a high level of maintenance, frequent usage for training deteriorates its lifespan and thus its cost effectiveness. To address this, a low cost training simulator is being developed. This paper presents an account of a method to digitally create simulated NVG images. Tests conducted to verify the fidelity of the images and to assess its efficacy for image recognition training, will be discussed. Naive subjects (those who have not used an NVG before) are divided into three groups and exposed respectively to real imagery as seen through an NVG, photo-images captured with a digital camera and digitally created simulated NVG images.

KEYWORDS: Night Vision Goggles, Training Simulator, Fidelity, Digital Images
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 42
Location : Singapore
Registration date : 2006-09-18

Training Simulator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Simulator   Training Simulator EmptyMon Sep 25, 2006 11:02 am


Jiajin WU, Kee Yong LIM & Chai Wah KOH
Centre for Human Factors and Ergonomics
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

Presented at the Ergonomic Society Annual Conference 2006, 4-6 April, Cambridge, United Kingdom

This paper presents the second stage of work concerned with the development of a low cost simulator for Night Vision Goggle (NVG) training. It extends previous work on the digital creation of simulated NVG images of the resolution chart targeted at NVG eye piece adjustment training. The present work is concerned with the development of a similar digital manipulation technique aimed at creating simulated NVG imagery to support object recognition training. Tests to assess the physical and performance fidelity of and the efficacy (transfer of training) afforded by the digitally created simulated NVG images have been completed. The results reported in this paper, reveal that the low cost training simulator under development, is a promising alternative to current methods of NVG training.
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