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 Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU

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Number of posts : 68
Age : 42
Location : Singapore
Registration date : 2006-09-18

Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU Empty
PostSubject: Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU   Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU EmptyFri Sep 22, 2006 12:51 am

Recently, NTU had upgraded her wireless connection and the login page for accessing the wireless network was changed. Now, after you login, a small pop-up window appears informing you to retain that window and logoff when you’ve done. This pop-up window confused me and made me wonder, is it necessary to logoff when you’ve finished using the wireless network? Is this a security issue? Is there any difference in logging off from the webpage or by just switching off your wireless device (since that automatically disconnects you)?

Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU Wirelesslogoff1

The log-off window provided me with no reason for why I need to log off so, usually I would close the window as soon as it pops up. Once, I did click on the logout button as I wanted to find out what happens if I logout. That resulted in another window popping out with a cryptic message.

Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU Wirelesslogoff2

"Prevent access to unauthorized users"? What does that mean? Devices which can access wireless internet are typically personal items such as PDA or laptops, and I for one won’t lend my laptop to any strangers so how would unauthorized users access the wireless connection because I did’t log off properly? Could strangers hack into the wireless network through my computer if I didn’t log off? Is that what the message meant? Once again the window provided no additional answers.

I wonder…Do these popup windows serve their purpose? Are they neccesary? Or do they just provide more confusion?

Last edited by on Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2006-09-19

Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU Empty
PostSubject: Re: Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU   Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU EmptyFri Sep 22, 2006 1:06 am

Oh yes, I've also been wondering about the purpose of logging off. Many web services - such as emails, messengers, blogs, and forums like this - enable users to log off after use. However, I never bother to log off, and nothing bad happen so far. The irritating one is the NTU email which always log me off automatically within a short period. I think I type my NTU webmail user name and password at least 5 times a day Mad

But there is one site that I always log off: internet banking site. This one cannot play play hehe... Suspect
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Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2006-09-19

Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU Empty
PostSubject: Re: Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU   Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU EmptyFri Sep 22, 2006 12:57 pm

yeah... the system might be want to ask for user's feedback.. but it's too much I think

one more thing about the wireless system is....it always takes a very very long time just to log in into NTU wireless system Sad
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Number of posts : 68
Age : 42
Location : Singapore
Registration date : 2006-09-18

Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU Empty
PostSubject: Re: Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU   Logging off from the wireless internet service in NTU EmptyFri Sep 22, 2006 1:16 pm

lol! yep, same here. Internet banking is the only thing i would always remember to log off from. In fact, logging off is not enough, I would clear the web browser cache every time as well. It is different since internet banking concerns money (very important to most people) and the consequences of not logging off and clearing your cache is known (hackers can find out your login name and password) using spyware.

So the question is how should the logout features for other programs be designed so that people would still do it although it's not as important to them?

The ntu webmail browser is another with usability problems. You can actually set the security level for the NTU webmail to private computer so that you will be logged in for a longer time but there is not option to set your security level to private computer all the time so you have to click on the button to select private computer every time you log in. frankly speaking, loging in is such an automated task for me with the use of the keyboard that having to click with the mouse on the button for private computer becomes a hazzle and i always forget to do so As a result i end up just logging in everytime I've been logged out (which happens many times a day as YSL mentioned).
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